December 2012

Welcome to our Beads of Courage members of the month.

December 2012

Jessica began treatment for ALL leukaemia in Aug 2010 at the age of 7, her journey through treatment has been significant part of her life for over two years. The beads of courage to Jess represent her journey of all kinds of treatments she has had to endure.Her beads make a statement that she has had over 400 treatments and each bead carries a bit of hope, that she has survived the ordeal the only way a child can, by taking it all in her stride and show remarkable strength throughout her battle against cancer. Jessica aged 9 ,treatment draws to an end in December and marks a massive milestone in her life. Jessica’s treasures her beads of courage, and  she is able to tell her story of courage in a truly delightful way by which her beads of courage represent.

This is Courtney and she is 5 years old. She was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in June 2012. Courtney has this to say about her Beads of Courage; “I really like my beads of courage and like showing all my friends and family how well I am doing. Now I am just waiting for the best bead of all the End of treatment bead cos that means I DID IT”

We can’t wait for you to get your purple heart too Courtney!